By Vitality Works
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First tagged by M. Monroe "Book Treasures"
Customer tags: first aid kit(4), lugols iodine(4), emergency kit(4), liquid iodine(4), pills(4), japan(4), anti radiation(4), fallout(4), california(3), kelp(3), anti nuclear(2), iodine tablets(2)
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During a Nuclear disaster or attack, large amounts of radioactive iodine (I-131) are often released into the atmosphere. Taking Potassium Iodide can protect against radioactive poisoning by "filling" the thyroid with this harmless substance. Potassium Iodide is a superior form of KI. Potassium Iodide will shield (or block) the Thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive Iodine. ? Each factory-sealed bottle contains 2 oz of fresh Potassium Iodide, each drop containing 150 mcg. Each family member should have at least one bottle in their emergency kit. Youngsters are extremely susceptible to thyroid cancer after exposure to radioactive contamination. Potassium Iodide will shield (or block) the Thyroid and prevent it from absorbing Radioactive Iodine (I-131) which is released into the environment following a nuclear event. I-131 is radioactive and can kill you - especially children. Taking Potassium Iodate, a Stable Iodine, can protect against radioactive poisoning by "filling" the thyroid with this harmless substance for a period of time; long enough to prevent the dangerous radioactive iodine from being absorbed. Up to 99% of all radiation induced thyroid damage can be prevented by taking Potassium Iodide. When kept in a cool, dry area shelf life should be 10 years or more. They are a "must have" item for your first aid or survival kit. 150 mcg per drop Directions: Take only if directed by authorities or if radioactive fallout is imminent. Examples: Downwind from a nuclear explosion or a nuclear reactor leak. Discontinue when authorities announce "All Clear". (3 to 15 days) Best if started at least 12 hours before Fallout! NEVER TAKE ANY MEDICINE OR DRUG WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN! YOU COULD HAVE ALLERGIES, OTHER MEDICAL CONDITIONS, OR REACTIONS ASK YOUR DOCTOR NOW, BEFORE A NUCLEAR EMERGENCY, AND THEN YOU'LL KNOW IF/WHEN IT'S NEEDED! Read more
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